Learn about Chipperbec Potatoes through our interactive online experience.

Learn Chipperbecs
Chipperbec U is a virtual learning experience that communicates the story of Chipperbec potatoes. Learn about the product’s history, growth, viability and uses as well as the value in the lifestyle brand that comes with our product. Wade in…the water’s nice.
Flash Courses
Learn about Chipperbecs in just a few minutes.
Chipperbecs vs Kennebecs
Unpacking some common misconceptions about Chipperbecs.
How Potential Problems May Affect Chef's Decisions
What factors drive restaurants’ choice of frying potatoes?
Fresh Cut vs Frozen
Considering frozen products vs. fresh from the labor and processing cost perspective.
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer our most common questions for you
What is a Chipperbec?
It is a potato grown specifically for fries and chips. From the Kennebec family of varieties, but with stronger and more viable characteristics.
Can I tell the difference in taste on fries made with the Chipperbec?
YES. You’ll taste a natural potato flavor—crispy on the outside and fluffy mash on the inside.
Could I contact someone for more information?
We would encourage it! Contact Matt Hornbuckle for additional information. Alternatively, you may use our contact us form or call us at 208-970-9812 for general inquiries.
What is the most unique thing about these potatoes?
They are a round white chipping potato that are grown specifically for a particular application.
Do you sell Chipperbec Potatoes in retail stores?
We do not currently sell Fresh Chipperbec Potatoes in retail stores, but we have plans in place to launch our Chipperbec Craft Frozen Fries in retail stores very soon. Contact us for distribution information.
What is the best application for the Chipperbec Potato?
We’re glad you asked. Fresh Cut French Fries.
What type of potato are Chipperbecs closely related to?
The Kennebec Potato. However, the Kennebec Potato now ONLY exists in an heirloom seed capacity and not used any longer in commercial production. Be sure to check out our Flash Courses to learn the difference between the Chipperbec and Kinnebec varieties.

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The world’s finest frying and chipping potato